Carey Green is a pastor, yes, but his amazing work in the world of podcasting has been his passion for the past decade. His business, "Podcast Fast Track" provides coaching, and behind the scenes podcast detail work for his long list of clients. But he's also a podcaster himself, with a daily audience of nearly 100,000 listeners.
Listen right here, right now.
Watch the Episode, right here, right now.

His Morning Mindset was launched on January of 2018 and thus far has over 47 Million downloads in 180 countries. It's a 6 minute Biblical launch to your day designed to align your day with God's teaching.
If you are a podcaster or potential podcaster or are intrigued by this new way to reach a huge audience, you'll hear the details and strategies to creating a show and gaining an audience whether Christian based or not.
As with all of our amazing life stories we will drill down on Carey's personal Christian journey, his God moments as well as faith challenges.
Carey shares his thoughts on "writing down" prayers, as well as being patient and trusting God's timing.
He concludes our conversation with an inspiring Bible verse that gives him (and maybe you) spiritual motivation every day.
Take a few minutes with another amazing Jesus journey...on Amazing Greats.
