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Arlyn Lawrence-It’s not about religion, it’s about your heart.
An avid reader, a lover of the written word, this is the unlikely story of Arlyn Lawrence’s God inspired path from newspaper writer to...
Alan Mason, K-Love's retired President: How Christian radio changes lives!
Listen right here, Right now! Watch right here, right now! K-Love Radio is heard on nearly 1000 radio signals in 48 states, Samoa, Puerto...
What's God got to do with business?
Listen right here, right now: Watch it, right here, right now: Bobb Biehl has been sharing common sense (God inspired) mentoring to...
Brian Arnold- Fur trader, card shark, acrobat, evangelist
Listen to it here. Watch it here. Brian Arnold was a professionally trained card shark. He made over 4 million dollars by age 24! He...
Godwinks. No Coincidence.
SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuART Impressionist and comedian Louise DuART shared the stage with Tim Conway and Harvey Corman for over ten...
Margo Day's 5 loaves & 2 fish. Empowering women in Kenya
Margo Day empowers women on the other side of the globe, in Kenya. That's her passion. That's what happens when you reach the height of...
The fighter pilot who failed kindergarten! -Ed Rush
He grew up in a family of achievers. So it was no surprise when he achieved top level performance in the Marines as a fighter pilot and...
Jesus' miracles online & text chats. Sean Dunn is on a mission
It starts with a thirty second streaming video online, then live text conversations with compassionate volunteers and ultimately ends...
It’s not about Todd, its about God! - Todd Peterson
When you are at the top of your game in the NFL after 13 seasons, you’d think it would be tough to walk away. Todd Peterson did just...
A deep dive into Christian Music with consultant Mark Ramsey
A fairly recent phenomenon is the powerful strength of Christian Music and Contemporary Christian Radio. It's no longer all about...
NBA star James Donaldson: from the brink of suicide
Our Amazing Greats host, Joe Micheals, really gets to the emotional heart of NBA star James Donaldson. At 7’2 James played two decades...
Facing the blitz with NFL Quarterback Jeff Kemp
This was one of my favorite conversations with a champion of a guy. So many great stories and he shared some vulnerable moments. NFL...
Triumph over family dysfunction through God's grace- Stefan Rybak
Polish immigrant parents who survived the war, suffered from their past with PTSD, alcoholism, family abuse and divorce. Stefan Rybak...
Ken Blanchard on the ultimate leader! "Lead Like Jesus"
The success of his book, The One Minute Manager, was his "aha Jesus" moment. When this 112 page simplified manual in story form was...
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