12 dog-inspired life lessons with Mark Tappan
"Jesus didn't start a religion"- With Doug Burleigh
From Small Town Boy to Thriving Church Founder: with Rick Enloe
"Finding Purpose on and off the Field: The Journey of Christian NFL Player Clint Gresham"
Sports soundbites for Jesus- sports journalist John Strege
Arlyn Lawrence-It’s not about religion, it’s about your heart.
Laughter: GOD'S GIFT. With Jeff Allen
Podcasting and "Godcasting" with Carey Green
Brian Arnold- Fur trader, card shark, acrobat, evangelist
Being a Peace maker in a violent world- Author Jason Porterfield
Unveiling the Potential: How to Guide the Next Great Generation with Jonathan Catherman
Gratitude in all circumstances- Care Tuk's continuing story.
The fighter pilot who failed kindergarten! -Ed Rush
Jesus' miracles online & text chats. Sean Dunn is on a mission
The "Story Teller's" story. Brant Hansen's amazing mission.
Is "Christian Comedy" an Oxymoron?
NBA star James Donaldson: from the brink of suicide
Facing the blitz with NFL Quarterback Jeff Kemp
300,000 kids went to basketball camp and came home changed forever. Fred Crowell
Triumph over family dysfunction through God's grace- Stefan Rybak