Here is the story of a small town boy, who among other things, toured 1100 high schools across the country, spent a year in the Neitherlands, hosted a talk radio show, helped found a thriving church 28 years ago and uses humor as a primary tool to introduce and share with people the love and grace of Jesus. Rick Enloe, author of the book, "Low Hanging Truth" is an awesome story teller who learned the importance of teaching through story telling from the master...Jesus himself. You'll get a glimpse of his book, his humor and wisdom as he shares his personal journey in this episode of Amazing Greats.
Listen right here, right now:
Watch right here, right now:
As a member of that thriving church, Harbor Christian Center, I have been blessed with his friendship, mentorship and his comedic, assessable and relatable teachings on many Sunday mornings.
Now, as he ponders writing a novel, as well as another book with more low hanging truths, and who knows, just maybe a one hour comedy special, I encourage you to spend these next few minutes getting to know, Rick Enloe.

Rick was my 9th grade basketball coach. Never met anyone like him at the time and still never have. Great guy, will be missed.
It was so great to hear Rick's voice and follow along as he read different passages from his book with his book in hand. It's such a great read! It's so inspirational. It is a reminder that we often overthink what it takes to make a difference in the world. By simply being aware of the people around you... where eever you go... and being willing to engage in acts of kindness and compassion... we can make a huge difference in the lives of people. We can actually become the answer to somebody's prayer.
Rick was just that for so many people. Myself being one of them.
great perspective!