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"Jesus didn't start a religion"- With Doug Burleigh
A $300 a month job, with very little status or perks, upended his career trajectory and shaped Doug Burleigh's next 50 years. As a "Young...

From Small Town Boy to Thriving Church Founder: with Rick Enloe
Here is the story of a small town boy, who among other things, toured 1100 high schools across the country, spent a year in the...

Podcasting and "Godcasting" with Carey Green
Carey Green is a pastor, yes, but his amazing work in the world of podcasting has been his passion for the past decade. His business,...

Asbury University Revival. God is on the move. Pastor Doug Hankins
Listen to the podcast here. Watch the podcast here. God is up to something among Generation Z. Young people at Asbury University and...

Odyssey of a rock and roll priest- The amazing Father Harry!
America's Rock and Roll Priest; Father Harry, and the God Squad radio shows have been listened to by hundreds of thousands of radio...
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