How does a kid in school who can't make any sports team end up being one of the most celebrated athletes in the world? A three time Olympian, and first high schooler to break the four minute mile (3:59), is here to share his unlikely life journey, that started with a nightly prayer. You'll hear how "playing church" as a youngster changed forever when he became a "real Christian".
In this episode, Jim Ryun shares the inspiring details of his AMAZING story and his walk with Jesus. You'll hear about the ups and downs, the life lessons and the athletic triumphs that the whole world was buzzing about in the 60's and 70s that landed him on the cover of Sports Illustrated multiple times as he became know as the "Master of the Mile". With the guidance of his long time coach Bob Timmons and the encouragement and undying support of of wife Anne he made running history and much more.
Later he served 5 terms in the US congress, representing the 2nd district of his home state of Kansas and in 2020 was awarded the Presidential Medal of Honor.
His legacy lives on through the hundreds of young runners who have participated in the "Jim Ryun Running camps" that started in 1974 and continue each summer to this day.
If you are interested in more information about the revolutionary LYRIC "digital" hearing aid that changed his life check it out here:
If you'd like to order a signed copy of his book "Courage to Run" there are some copies still available by writing to him at:
Jim Ryun
PO Box 15312
Washington DC 20003
(Please include a check for the book and shipping with your request)
Check the Amazing Greats Website Video Resource page to see a classic recap of his story.